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The national flag of Indonesia, which is known as Sang Saka Merah Putih ("The Red and White") in Indonesian, is based on the flag of the 13th century Majapahit kingdom in East Java.
The flag of Indonesia is based on the flag of the Majapahit Empire on Java at the end of the 13th century. This had nine stripes red and white, and is nowadays used as jack.
Top Home > Library > Travel > Regional StatsClick to enlarge flag of IndonesiaIntroduction Background: The Dutch began to colonize Indonesia in the early 17th century; Japan occupied the islands from 1942 to 1945.
The national flag of Indonesia, which is known as Sang Merah Putih in Indonesian, is based on the flag of the 13th century Majapahit empire.It was adopted as the national flag on August 17, 1945, when independence was declared and has been in use since then.
The national flag of Indonesia, which is known as Sang Merah Putih in Indonesian, is based on the flag of the Majapahit empire, back in the 13th century.
Coincidentally, the flag of Indonesia is identical, except in dimensions, to the flag of Monaco. Whitney Smith Citations - MLA Style: "Indonesia, flag of." Encyclopædia Britannica. 2010. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. 28 Jul. 2010 .
Flag of Indonesia image courtesy of 4 International Flags Indonesian flag courtesy of 4 International Flags 101 -
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National Flag of Indonesia: EPS vector format in both official proportions and a standard sized 3:5 ratio version. $4.95 - Indonesia - Macintosh - Download (.