This image of the Brazil flag is in the Public Domain and can be used freely. If you use it on a webpage, a link to would be very much appreciated.
The flag of Brazil is the official symbol of the country. The flag has a green field with a large yellow rhombus in the center.
Top Home > Library > Travel > Regional StatsClick to enlarge flag of BrazilIntroduction Background: Following more than three centuries under Portuguese rule, Brazil peacefully gained its independence in 1822, maintaining a monarchical system of government until the abolition of slavery in 1888 and the subsequent proclamation
flag of brazil flag for brazil brazils flag flag of brazil In fact, there are a lot of laws that dictate exact protocol for the Brazil flag, and here are some of the more prominent points in the this protocol.
The official flag of Brazil was adopted on May 11th 1992. Its adaptation was that of an earlier flag created on November 15th 1889 when the Republic was proclomated following the dethroning of the last emperor or Brazil, Dom Pedro II.
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Flag of Brazil at Theodora.
* Flag of Brazil (Nylon with Polesleeve) * Flag of Brazil (Nylon with Polesleeve & Fringe) * Indoor Outfits Flag of Brazil Flag of Brazil Note: actual flag colors may differ slightly
Flag of Brazil dot Buy this flag, or any country flag here dot DESCRIPTION dot The current flag of Brazil was officially adopted on November 15, 1889.