This image of the Belgium flag is in the Public Domain and can be used freely. If you use it on a webpage, a link to would be very much appreciated.
The flag of Belgium (seen from behind) in the common 2:3 ratio flying from the Gravensteen Castle overlooking Ghent. The 2:3 flag is also technically the civil ensign, the correct flag for use by civilians at sea.
Top Home > Library > Travel > Regional StatsClick to enlarge flag of BelgiumIntroduction Background: Belgium became independent from the Netherlands in 1830; it was occupied by Germany during World Wars I and II.
flag of BelgiumThe flag of Belgium is a black, yellow, and red vertical tricolor that was adopted on January 23, 1831. The ratio of its height to its width is 13:15.
Flag of Belgium - Description of the Belgium Flag * As the above picture of the Belgium Flag indicates the background is tri-color - Black, Yellow and Red *
Flag of Belgium featured on a round mouse pad. This mouse pad is great for anyone with Belgian heritage. Remember your Belgian ancestry with this Belgium Flag round mouse pad.